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12 p, 3.1 MB Automatic high-frequency measurements of full soil greenhouse gas fluxes in a tropical forest / Courtois, Elodie A. (University of Antwerp. Department of Biology) ; Stahl, Clément (Université des Antilles. AgroParisTech) ; Burban, Benoit (Université des Antilles. AgroParisTech) ; Berge, Joke Van den (University of Antwerp. Department of Biology) ; Berveiller, Daniel (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (França)) ; Bréchet, Laëtitia (University of Antwerp. Department of Biology) ; Soong, Jennifer L. (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division) ; Arriga, Nicola (University of Antwerp. Department of Biology) ; Peñuelas, Josep (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ; Janssens, Ivan (University of Antwerp. Department of Biology)
Measuring in situ soil fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) continuously at high frequency requires appropriate technology. We tested the combination of a commercial automated soil CO2 flux chamber system (LI-8100A) with a CH4 and N2O analyzer (Picarro G2308) in a tropical rainforest for 4 months. [...]
2019 - 10.5194/bg-16-785-2019
Biogeosciences, Vol. 16, Issue 3 (February 2019) , 785-796  

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