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Artículos, Encontrados 1 registros
Artículos Encontrados 1 registros  
17 p, 313.7 KB Migración, prácticas artísticas y artivismos / Manonelles Moner, Laia (Universitat de Barcelona)
Una de las potencialidades del arte es devenir una herramienta para enfocar determinados conflictos desde nuevos ángulos y articular preguntas que impacten en la comunidad. Aquí el arte se funde con la filosofía, la sociología, la antropología, con el activismo, y con la propia vida. [...]
One of the potentials of art is to become a tool to focus on certain conflicts from new angles and articulate questions that cause an impact on the community. In that context art merges with philosophy, sociology, anthropology.
activism, and life itself. Within these parameters several artistic experiences will be outlined to illustrate how different artists approach -from different angles- the phenomenon of migration. Among the wide myriad of perspectives from which migration can be treated it is interesting to point out the work of several artists who become speakers of the experiences of others, as exemplified by Pep Dardanyà, Marisa Gonzalez, He Chengyue and Josep Maria Martin. [...]

2012 - 10.34630/polissema.v0i12.3075
Polissema, Núm. 12 (2012) , p. 181-197  

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