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Artículos, Encontrados 1 registros
Artículos Encontrados 1 registros  
10 p, 318.9 KB Why Did People 'Invent' Relics in the Roman East Between the Fourth and Sixth Centuries? / Cronnier, Estelle (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
The cult of relics did not exist in the first centuries of the Christian era, but only came into being in the fourth century. After the Peace of the Church and the Christianisation of the Roman Empire, it became a constitutive element of the new religion. [...]
O culto das relíquias não existia no primeiro século da era crista, mas, no século IV, após a Paz da Igreja e a cristianização do Império Romano, tornou-se um elemento constitutivo da nova religião. [...]

Mirabilia, Núm. 18 (January-June 2014) , p. 22-31  

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