Resultats globals: 2 registres trobats en 0.02 segons.
Articles, 2 registres trobats
Articles 2 registres trobats  
13 p, 1.3 MB Moving forward through the in silico modeling of tuberculosis : a further step with UISS-TB / Russo, Giulia (University of Catania) ; Sgroi, Giuseppe (University of Catania) ; Parasiliti Palumbo, Giuseppe Alessandro (University of Catania) ; Pennisi, Marzio (University of Eastern Piedmont) ; Juarez, Miguel A. (University of Sheffield) ; Cardona, Pere-Joan (Institut Germans Trias i Pujol. Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol) ; Motta, Santo (National Research Council of Italy) ; Walker, Kenneth B. (TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI)) ; Fichera, Epifanio (Etna Biotech S.r.l) ; Viceconti, Marco (University of Bologna) ; Pappalardo, Francesco (University of Catania) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Genètica i de Microbiologia
In 2018, about 10 million people were found infected by tuberculosis, with approximately 1. 2 million deaths worldwide. Despite these numbers have been relatively stable in recent years, tuberculosis is still considered one of the top 10 deadliest diseases worldwide. [...]
2020 - 10.1186/s12859-020-03762-5
BMC bioinformatics, Vol. 21 (december 2020)  
10 p, 1.3 MB Predicting the artificial immunity induced by RUTI® vaccine against tuberculosis using universal immune system simulator (UISS) / Pennisi, Marzio (University of Catania. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) ; Russo, Giulia (Department of Drug Sciences. University of Catania) ; Sgroi, Giuseppe (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. University of Catania) ; Bonaccorso, Angela (Department of Drug Sciences. University of Catania) ; Parasiliti Palumbo, Giuseppe Alessandro (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. University of Catania) ; Fichera, Epifanio (Etna Biotech S.r.l.) ; Kumar Mitra, Dipendra (All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Nova Delhi, Índia)) ; Walker, Kenneth B. (TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI)) ; Cardona, Pere-Joan (Institut Germans Trias i Pujol. Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol) ; Amat, Mercè (Archivel Farma S.L) ; Viceconti, Marco (Department of Industrial Engineering. Alma Mater Studiorum. University of Bologna) ; Pappalardo, Francesco (Department of Drug Sciences. University of Catania)
Background: Tuberculosis (TB) represents a worldwide cause of mortality (it infects one third of the world's population) affecting mostly developing countries, including India, and recently also developed ones due to the increased mobility of the world population and the evolution of different new bacterial strains capable to provoke multi-drug resistance phenomena. [...]
2019 - 10.1186/s12859-019-3045-5
BMC bioinformatics, Vol. 20 (December 2019) , p. 504  

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