AFIN (Grup de Recerca)

Publicación: [Bellaterra : AFIN], 2009-
Periodicidad: Mensual
Fechas de publicación: Nº 1 (marzo 2009)-
Resumen: AFIN is a research group / action on children, youths and families of all cultures, backgrounds, races or nationalities. It deals with the family and social life of children and young people, their family and social relationships, their risk and crisis situations, their problems and rights. Through a monthly newsletter AFIN reveals its work and the one from groups and individuals, national and international, who is related around similar topics.
Nota: Altre títol: Newsletter : Childhoods, Youths, Families
Nota: També disponible en català i castellà
Nota: Continuació de: Newsletter : adoptions, families, childhoods (March 2009-May 2013)
Derechos: Tots els drets reservats.
Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Text ; Butlletí
Materia: Infants ; Protecció, assistència, etc. ; Adopció
ISSN: 2013-2956

Adreça original del butlletí:
Versió en català del butlletí:
Versió en espanyol del butlletí:

Núm. 148
(July 2024)

Cerezuela González, Ana ; Lichtsztejn, Mariana ; Molas, Anna ; Remorini, Carolina ; Blanco, Laura
(images). Patients' and Professionals' Experiences of Risks in Pregnancy: Pre eclampsia

30 p, 1.1 MB

Núm. 147
(May 2024)

Sanmiquel-Molinero, Laura ; Beto Compagnucci
(images). Rethinking "adjustment to disability": a critical analysis of becoming disabled

25 p, 2.6 MB

Núm. 146
(March 2023)

Andreica-Gheorghe, Zenaida-Maria ; images generated by AI. The
(ob)seen body: digital media practices, sexuality and consent

21 p, 1.8 MB

Núm. 142
(July 2023)

Krajnc, Sara ; Compagnucci, Beto
(il.). "They never talked about sex": Women's sexual roles, sexual relations, and sexual practices in Celje (Slovenia)

13 p, 478.6 KB

Núm. 140
(March 2023)

González Vera, Andrea Soledad ; Díaz Carrión, Isis Arlene ; Gaggiotti, Hugo ; Córdova Ávila, Nicolasa
(il.). Notes on Mexican trans* women's vulnerability

12 p, 775.5 KB

Núm. 139
(January 2023)

BRIGHTER FUTURE team ; Sobrino, Álvaro
(il.). Towards the holistic well-being of children and adolescents in care or adopted in educational institutions

15 p, 1.1 MB

Núm. 136
(September 2022)

Díaz Carrión, Isis Arlene ; Vizcaino, Paola ; Gaggiotti, Hugo. Women's vulnerability in the travel and tourism sector
18 p, 1.0 MB

Núm. 134
(May 2022)

Díaz Carrión, Isis Arlene ; Ramos Delgado, Yalily ; Gaggiotti, Hugo ; Díaz Carrión, Isis Arlene
(il.) ; Ramos Delgado, Yalily (il.) ; accortez (il.) ; wendyjuerslopez (il.). Vulnerability of women in Mexican universities

16 p, 1.8 MB

Núm. 132
(January 2022)

Ramos Delgado, Yalily ; Díaz Carrión, Isis Arlene ; Gaggiotti, Hugo ; Gaggiotti, Hugo
(il.). Women entrepreneurship and vulnerability in Baja California (Mexico)

12 p, 731.5 KB

Núm. 117
(September 2019)

Anderson, Peter; Clemente, Juan
(il.). Separation and the Tribunales Tutelares de Menores

12 p, 661.7 KB

Núm. Especial 112

Equipo AFIN; Clemente, Juan i Clemente, Chandra Kala
(ils.). Towards Reproductive (In)Justice? : Mobilities, Technologies, Jobs & Decisions

13 p, 1.2 MB

Núm. 109
(November 2018)

Oláh, Livia Sz; TXTArte
(il.). Men in families in contemporary Europe: caring fathers

13 p, 1.1 MB

Núm. 95
(June 2017)

Smith Rotabi, Karen; Hübinette, Tobias; Villarroel, Amable
(il.). Orphaned and Vulnerable Romany Children and their Protection: Child Adoption, Foster Care, and Child Rights

13 p, 527.2 KB

Núm. 80
(February 2016)

Cheney. Kristen E; Gaggiotti, Miguel
(il.). International Forum on Intercountry Adoption & Global Surrogacy VI. Preventing exploitation, promoting equity: Findings from the International Forum on Intercountry Adoption and Global Surrogacy

14 p, 671.2 KB

Núm. 79
(January 2016)

Selman, Peter; Gaggiotti, Miguel(il.) International Forum on Intercountry Adoption & Global Surrogacy V. Intercountry Adoption Agencies and the HCIA
15 p, 695.4 KB

Núm. 78
(December 2015)

Richards, Sarah ; Gaggiotti, Miguel
(il.). International Forum on Intercountry Adoption & Global Surrogacy IV. The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption Implementation and the Best Interests of the Child

15 p, 709.2 KB

Núm. 77
(November 2015)

Darnovsky, Marcy ; Beeson, Diane; Gaggiotti, Miguel
(il.). International Forum on Intercountry Adoption & Global Surrogacy III. Global Surrogacy Practices

15 p, 768.8 KB

Núm. 76
(October 2015)

Smith Rotabi, Karen; Gaggiotti, Miguel
(il.). Special issue: International Forum on Intercountry Adoption & Global Surrogacy II. Force, Fraud and Coercion: Bridging from Knowledge in Intercountry Adoption to Global Surrogacy

16 p, 689.2 KB

Núm. 75
(September 2015)

Högbacka, Riitta; Gaggiotti, Miguel
(il.). Special issue: International Forum on Intercountry Adoption & Global Surrogacy I. Countries and Families of Origin in Intercountry Adoption

12 p, 482.2 KB

Núm. 71
(April 2015)

Bristow, Jennie. Reviewing attachment theoryof Origin in Intercountry Adoption
11 p, 651.1 KB

Núm. 68
(January 2015)

Brock, Sophia ; Duran, Magdalena
(il.). The Experiences of Mothers with Children with Disabilities

12 p, 587.7 KB

Núm. 63
(July-August 2014)

Frekko, Susan ; Elek Machado, Madalena
(il.). A Research Proposal: Becoming Catalan : Language and Racialization in Immigration and International Adoption

11 p, 757.7 KB

Núm. 61
(May 2014)

Getino Canseco, María ; Cillero, Vega
(il.). Narratives of death

13 p, 786.2 KB

Núm. 56
(December 2013)

Rodríguez Jaume, Mª José; Lázaro, Tania
(il.). Adoptions and their sociological context

13 p, 815.6 KB

Núm. 55
(November 2013)

Borràs, Vicent ; Pons, Elsa
(il.). Being homosexual parents through gestational surrogacy

13 p, 540.7 KB

Núm. 53
(Setember 2013)

Álvarez, Bruna ; San Román, Beatriz. Ten years after the adoption boom: opening new perspectives
13 p, 604.7 KB

Núm. 51
(June 2013)

Sullens, Carly ; DeNeen, Julie ; Vega de Seoane, Eduardo
(il.) . GSA: The Hidden Risk in Adoptive Reunions

11 p, 735.4 KB

Núm. 50
(May 2013)

Muntañola, Josep ; Saura, Magda ; Méndezes, Sergi. Child health and urban quality in city areas
10 p, 850.0 KB

Núm. 49
(April 2013)

Galbiati, Simona ; García Caballero, Paquita. "The World That I Can't See": childhood, motherhood and blindness
15 p, 638.6 KB

Núm. 48
(March 2013)

Bacon, Gina. The life of a "twinkie". Performing race as a Korean adoptee
12 p, 704.5 KB

Núm. 44
(June 2012)

De Graeve, K. ; Mateu, Assumpció
(il.). Origins, Race and Ethnicity. National Adoptive Parenting and Belonging in Flanders, Belgium

11 p, 546.9 KB

Núm. 40
(June 2012)

Verbiest, F. Childcare work in Barcelona and Amsterdam
12 p, 613.0 KB

Núm. 33
(November 2011)

Gillari, Elsa
(il.). I was once the 2036

13 p, 643.7 KB

Núm. 31
(September 2011)

Cadoret, A. ; Colmeiro, Manuel
(il.). The adopted child and the contemporary kindship : the matter of belonging of two families

20 p, 1.1 MB

Núm. 29
(July 2011)

St. Vincent Vogl, K. ; Fitó, Carme
(il.) (Re) Connecting in Reunion*

13 p, 554.7 KB

Núm. 28
(June 2011)

Fitó, C. ; Ulanosky, Bibiana
(il.). A secret and a myth in the child's origin : assisted reproduction versus adoption

16 p, 376.8 KB

Núm. 27
(May 2011)

Barcons, N., Pinto, C. ; Cassatt, Mary Stevenson
(il.) Evidence-based psychological interventions with children and adolescents : programmes to improve parenting skills and the attachment relationship

15 p, 794.1 KB

Núm. 26
(April 2011)

Smith, K. ; Pla Delmulle, Àlex
(il.). From Guatemala to Ethiopia : Shifts in Intercountry Adoption, New Vulnerabilities and Changes in Ethiopia"

18 p, 783.4 KB

Núm. 25
(March 2011)

Abrines, N., Tamimi, S. ; Gómez-Pintado, Marta
(il.). What's behind hyperactivity?

15 p, 627.2 KB

Núm. 18
(August 2010)

Hübinette, T. Reflections on being and becoming and adult transnational adoptee in Sweeden
16 p, 6.8 MB

Núm. 17
(July 2010)

Jue-Steuck, J. Reflections on being and becoming and adult transnational adoptee in the USA
8 p, 226.6 KB

Núm. 11
(January 2010)

Gómez, B. On adoptability
13 p, 370.0 KB

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Publicaciones periódicas > Boletines

 Registro creado el 2012-01-16, última modificación el 2024-07-17

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