Grupo de Investigación en Educación, Interacción y Plurilingüismo (GREIP)
GREIP (Grupo de Investigación en Educación, Interacción y Plurilingüismo) tiene un núcleo de investigadoras e investigadores expertos en el área de las interacciones plurilingües en contextos educativos formales y no formales. Trabajamos con personas expertas de todo el mundo con la intención de avanzar en los conocimientos sobre la educación en el siglo 21. Colaboramos estrechamente con los agentes más implicados, como profesorado de educación primaria y secundaria, equipos directivos de centros y responsables de políticas educativas. El grupo GREIP ha sido reconocido como grupo de investigación consolidado y de calidad por la Generalitat de Cataluña desde 2005.
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Últimas adquisiciones:
25 p, 19.1 MB Identifying requirements for supporting users in creating digital interactive cultural activities for task-based language learning : Communities, Languages, and Activities App (ENACT) / Bone Dodds, Colin (Newcastle University) ; Satar, Müge (Newcastle University) ; Kharrufa, Ahmed (Newcastle University) ; Seedhouse, Paul (Newcastle University) ; Sidorova, Anna (Cultura Foundation) ; Spazheva, Irina (Cultura Foundation) ; Dooly Owenby, Melinda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua, de la Literatura i les Ciències Socials) ; Buitrago Peña, Johanna (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua, de la Literatura i les Ciències Socials) ; Öztekin, Elifcan (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi) ; Akcan, Sumru (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi) ; Kotilainen, Lari Pietari (University of Helsinki) ; Kurhila, Salla (University of Helsinki)
The aim of this report is to present findings following the first-round of studies to understand user requirements for the development of the web app on the ENACT project. These findings relate to participants' digital and linguistic competencies, as well as their activities of interest. [...]
University of Newcastle, 2020  
15 p, 397.9 KB Collecting, transcribing, analyzing and presenting plurilingual interactional data / Moore de Luca, Emilee (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura i de les Ciències Socials) ; Llompart Esbert, Julia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura i de les Ciències Socials), 2017 - 10.14705/rpnet.2017.emmd2016.638
Qualitative approaches to research on plurilingual education - Enfocaments qualitatius per a la recerca en educació plurilingüe - Enfoques cualitativos para la investigación en educación plurilingüe, 2017, p. 403-433
2 documents
15 p, 941.9 KB The Ins and Outs of Teamworking : When University Teachers, in-Service Secondary Teachers and Pre-Service Teachers Collaborate to Transform Learning / Masats, Dolors (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Guerrero, Paula (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Initiatives for teachers' professional development should rely on the epistemology of practice, that is, be founded on the premise that reflective teachers construct professional knowledge and develop professional skills through practice and through planning, observing or analysing practice. [...]
2018 - 10.26417/ejser.v5i3.p185-193
European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, Vol. 5 Núm. 3 (September 2018) , 185-199  
15 p, 5.6 MB Executive Summary. The Key Findings from The EVALUATE European Policy Experiment Project on The Impact of Virtual Exchange on Initial Teacher Education / The EVALUATE Group
This publication presents the key findings of the EVALUATE experimentation and its implications for the education of future teachers. The study found that engaging student teachers in structured online intercultural collaboration as part of their formal learning can contribute to the development of their digital-pedagogical, intercultural, and foreign language competences. [...], 2019 (Standalone Collection) - 10.14705/rpnet.2019.30.9782490057344  
132 p, 6.5 MB Evaluating the impact of virtual exchange on initial teacher education : a European policy experiment / Baroni, Alice ; Dooly Owenby, Melinda ; Garcés García, Pilar ; Guth, Sarah ; Hauck, Mirjam ; Helm, Francesca ; Lewis, Tim ; Mueller-Hartmann, Andreas ; O'Dowd, Robert ; Rienties, Bart ; Rogaten, Jekaterina ; EVALUATE Project Group
Virtual exchange refers to education programmes in which constructive communication and interaction takes place between individuals or groups from different cultural backgrounds with the support of educators or facilitators. [...], 2019 - 10.14705/rpnet.2019.29.9782490057337  
14 p, 383.7 KB Ética de la investigación / Dooly Owenby, Melinda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Moore de Luca, Emilee (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Vallejo Rubinstein, Claudia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
La investigación cualitativa, especialmente en los estudios en contextos educativos, plantea a menudo cuestiones éticas porque el diseño del estudio involucra a seres humanos, algunos de los cuales son menores de edad (por ejemplo, en el caso de datos recogidos en aulas de educación primaria). [...], 2017 - 10.14705/rpnet.2017.emmd2016.635
Qualitative approaches to research on plurilingual education / Enfocaments qualitatius per a la recerca en educació plurilingüe / Enfoques cualitativos para la investigación en educación plurilingüe, 2017, p. 363-375  
9 p, 360.3 KB Training Teachers for a New Era / Mont Algamasilla, Maria (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Masats, Dolors (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
This paper analyses a case study in which a university practicum tutor embarks on the adventure of setting their trainee teachers the task of designing a common technology-enhanced language project as a strategy to help them acquire the so-called Four Cs of 21st century learning. [...]
Revistia Press, 2019
New Studies and Research in Education, 2019, p. 115-123  
25 p, 5.9 MB We should google that : the dynamics of knowledge-in-interaction in an online student meeting / Dooly Owenby, Melinda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura i de les Ciències Socials) ; Tudini, Vincenza
This paper takes a multimodal conversation analytic approach to explore knowledge-in-interaction in a technology-mediated online environment (Skype videoconference) during a meeting between eight university students studying to become language teachers. [...]
Taylor & Francis Group, 2022 - 10.1080/19463014.2021.2023596
Classroom Discourse, Vol 13 Num 2 (2022) , pp. 188-211  
22 p, 81.9 KB Telecollaboration in the foreign language classroom : A review of its origins and its application to language teaching practice / Dooly Owenby, Melinda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; O'Dowd, Robert (Universidad de León)
This volume looks at the application of pedagogically-structured online collaborative learning initiatives between groups of learners in different geographical locations. This type of exchange is commonly known in foreign language education as telecollaborative learning. [...]
Peter Lang AG, 2018 - 10.3726/b14311
In This Together Teachers' Experiences with Transnational, Telecollaborative Language Learning Projects, 2018, p. 11-34  
14 p, 462.2 KB Virtual exchange in teacher education : is there an impact in teacher practice? / Dooly Owenby, Melinda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
This text presents the results of surveys and interviews of Former Students (FSs) who have taken part in a teacher education course that began in 2004 (still on-going) and that includes Virtual Exchange (VE). [...] 2020 - 10.14705/rpnet.2020.46.1136
Virtual exchange and 21st century teacher education : short papers from the 2019 EVALUATE conference, 2020, p. 101-113