Who are we?

Wikispaces is run by Tangient LLC. In alphabetical order, we are Eric Ablett, Dominick Bellizzi, Ryan Bowse, James Byers, Sarah Cove, Max Dobrusin, Adam Frey, Jeff Hanke, Ryan Koopmans, Julie Newcomb, and Carole Snitzer.

Since early 2005 we've been dedicated to building the world's easiest to use wiki service by listening closely to the ever growing Wikispaces community. We now host millions of wikis for over five million people and have products designed for the smallest classroom and the world's largest corporations and institutions.

Drop us a note any time or join our main discussion area. Welcome, and we look forward to hearing from you.

What's Important to us?


We're firm believers that wikis can be revolutionary tools for building communities. But most wikis are very engineer-focused: hard to use, buried under busy user interfaces, full of features only a geek could love. Wikispaces is our attempt to build a wiki that's easy to use and easy to adopt for all kinds of audiences. We've kept the tool simple so that you can focus on building content, talking with other members, and growing your community.


The majority of tools that exist to publish content on the Internet are either one-to-many (e.g. personal websites, blogs, news sites) or short-lived (forums / message boards, FAQs, etc.). Wikispaces gives groups the freedom to publish pages that are long-lived, regularly updated, and built by many contributors. We give you the space to both publish and discuss content, without tangling the two together.


Wikispaces is built to work anywhere, anytime. All you need is a web browser and an Internet connection. Members can create pages and spaces without undue restrictions or rules. Guests can edit pages without creating an account. Wiki pages are fully internationalized, so you can contribute content in any language you like. We take care of hosting, backups, and upgrades so you don't have to. All of our services are free to try and we don't ask for any of your personal information up front. And our pricing is simple and clear.


Wikispaces is designed to be usable for everyone. We've built a visual editor that lets you see the layout and design of your page while you're editing it. No technical knowledge required. We also let you use wiki markup if you're so inclined. And we've made sure that Wikispaces is fast even in large communities with lots of activity.


Our customer service has been called "crazy amazing." That's because we're more concerned about helping you than doing anything else and because the people who respond to your email are the same people who built the service.


First, thanks to all of the Wikispaces members who have taken the time to send us feedback, participate in the community, and generally kept us going.

We also owe our thanks to a number of open source projects for helping make Wikispaces possible: the teams behind PHP, python, MySQL, haproxy, nginx, Apache , Lucene + SOLR, memcached, and mogilefs.


Tangient LLC
67 Langton Street
San Francisco, CA 94103