Estudio de la relación del entorno psicosocial en la práctica deportiva de la mujer
Codina, Nuria (Universitat de Barcelona. PsicoSAO - Grup de recerca en Psicologia Social, Ambiental i Organitzacional)
Pestana, José Vicente (Universitat de Barcelona. PsicoSAO - Grup de recerca en Psicologia Social, Ambiental i Organitzacional)

Additional title: Study of the relationships between the psychosocial environment and women's sport practice
Date: 2012
Abstract: The influence of surrounding people in women's sport practice is analysed. The sample was made up of 636 women from Spain, aged between 15 and 64 (M = 38. 36; SD = 11. 51). The measurement instrument was an online survey with close-ended questions about the practice of sportphysical activities and the support of significant others (father, mother, brothers/sisters, best friends and workmates), which followed the Health Behaviour Survey (HBS; Wold, Aarö and Smith, 1994 - versioned by Balaguer, 2000). Results show predominantly low levels of sport practice (1-2 days/week), with women aged 50-64 having the highest levels of practice (5-7 days/week). Concerning influences from the environment, it is noticeable that brothers/sisters, best friends and workmates who not only practice sport but also encourage women to practise it are more influential than parents; in particular, the presence of supportive friends increases with age. These data complement preceding studies, as well as suggest new research issues related to women's sport practice in Spain.
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Language: Castellà
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Activitat física ; Esport ; Influències socials ; Dones ; Salut ; Suport social ; Physical Activity ; Sport ; Social influences ; Women ; Health ; Social support
Published in: Revista de psicología del deporte, Vol. 21, Núm. 2 (2012) , p. 243-251, ISSN 1988-5636

9 p, 234.1 KB

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Articles > Published articles > Revista de psicología del deporte
Articles > Research articles

 Record created 2013-03-18, last modified 2023-01-21

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