Web of Science: 7 citations, Scopus: 7 citations, Google Scholar: citations
Revisiting the Fourier transform on the Heisenberg group
Lakshmi Lavanya, R.
Thangavelu, S.

Date: 2014
Abstract: A recent theorem of S. Alesker, S. Artstein-Avidan and V. Milman characterises the Fourier transform on Rn as essentially the only transform on the space of tempered distributions which interchanges convolutions and pointwise products. In this note we study the image of the Schwartz space on the Heisenberg group under the Fourier transform and obtain a similar characterisation for the Fourier transform on the Heisenberg group.
Rights: Tots els drets reservats.
Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Heisenberg group ; Fourier transform ; Fourier-Weyl transform ; Schwartz class ; Heat kernel
Published in: Publicacions matemàtiques, Vol. 58, Núm. 1 (2014) , p. 47-63, ISSN 2014-4350

Adreça alternativa: https://raco.cat/index.php/PublicacionsMatematiques/article/view/287166
DOI: 10.5565/PUBLMAT_58114_03

17 p, 341.3 KB

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Articles > Published articles > Publicacions matemàtiques
Articles > Research articles

 Record created 2013-12-18, last modified 2022-09-04

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