Las hormigas y otros insectos en la fraseología española e italiana
Maso, Elena dal (Universidad de Verona)

Fecha: 2013
Resumen: The aim of this paper is to investigate Spanish and Italian zoomorphic metaphors in order to provide a detailed survey of their characteristics and similarities. We shall focus our attention on a corpus of lexicalized metaphors which contain at least the name of an insect. Moreover, the meaning of each expression shall concern human behaviour, human physical or psychological characteristics, and shall be the result of a metaphorical projection which describes human beings in terms of the animal kingdom.
Derechos: Tots els drets reservats.
Lengua: Castellà
Documento: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Materia: Metàfora lexicalitzada ; Cognitivisme ; Experiència ; Lexicalized metaphor ; Cognitivism ; Culture ; Experience
Publicado en: Language design : journal of theoretical and experimental linguistics, Vol. 15, Núm. (2013) , p. 91-117, ISSN 1139-4218

27 p, 332.4 KB

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