Current work on Egyptian lexicography
Watson, Wilfred G. E.

Fecha: 2010
Resumen: This is a brief survey of work, past and present, on the meanings of words in ancient Egyptian, with the emphasis on more recent projects. It includes descriptions of the dictionaries of Egyptian (including Coptic and Demotic)that are available in print and online. Particular importance is given to the study of etymology and there is also some reference to loanwords.
Derechos: Tots els drets reservats.
Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Materia: Coptic ; Demotic ; Dictionary ; Egyptian ; Etymology ; Lexicon ; Loanwords
Publicado en: Historiae, Núm. 7 (2010) , p. 91-96, ISSN 2462-3636

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6 p, 47.0 KB

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