Estudio transversal de validación de la fotografía digital como método de evaluación de la deformidad del tronco en la escoliosis idiopática
Matamalas Adrover, Antònia
Cáceres Palou, Enrique, dir.
Bago, Joan, dir.
Pellisé Urquiza, Ferran, dir.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Cirurgia

Publicación: [Barcelona] : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2014
Descripción: 1 recurs electrònic (203 p.)
Resumen: OBJETIVO:.
Resumen: La evaluación de la deformidad del tronco utilizando diferente medidas clínicas en fotografía digital no puede substituir a la radiología simple como método de evaluación en la escoliosis idiopática; a pesar de la relación existente entre la evaluación clínica, la radiología y la percepción de la imagen corporal. 25º. Front and back digital photographs in full standing position were obtained. All patients completed a set of questionnaires including: SRS-22, SAQ, QLSDP and TAPS. Shoulder, armpit and waist angles, in addition to trunk asymmetry indexes, were calculated on front and back photographs with Surgimap software. Coronal Cobb angles and clavicle tilt were also calculated on AP radiographs. The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to estimate photograph measurements reliability. The Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficients (r), depending of variable type, were used to estimate concurrent validity between these diagnostic methods. RESULTS: 80 patients (68 females and 12 males) with an average age of 20. 3 years were included. Mean Cobb angle was 45. 9º (range 25. 1º to 77. 2º). Intra and inter-rater reliability was good to excellent in the majority of the measures. Shoulder height angle had the lower one with an ICC of 0. 54. No correlation was found between shoulder area (trapezium, shoulder, armpit) and Cobb angle. The correlation between clinical shoulder discrepancy and radiographic clavicle tilt was ≈ 0. 4. Waist height angle and Cobb angle, both in front and back photographs, were significantly correlated (r= 0. 45 for both views). No other statistical significant correlations between both methods were found. A significant correlation was found between shoulder area measures and SRS-22 pain domain. No relation exists between these photographic measures and picture scales. A significant correlation was found between waist height angle and TAPS (r=-0. 43); SAQ appearance subscale (r=0. 33) and SAQ total score (r=0. 27). This correlation was higher on back view. No correlation between SRS-22 and waist angles was found. Trunk asymmetry measures where no correlated with skeletal deformity neither with self-image perception scales. CONCLUSION: Shoulder imbalance seems to correlate with patient's quality of life while waist asymmetry is more related with trunk deformity perceived by the patient. Trunk deformity evaluation using a clinical tool based on digital photographs cannot be a substitute of radiological evaluation in idiopathic scoliosis even though a relation exists between clinical evaluation, radiology and image self-perception scales.
Nota: Tesi doctoral - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Cirurgia, 2013
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Lengua: Castellà
Documento: Tesi doctoral ; Versió publicada
Materia: Escoliosi ; Diagnòstic ; Fotografia
ISBN: 9788449042898

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203 p, 2.5 MB

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