Simulating land use of prehistoric wetland settlements : did excessive resource use necessitate a highly dynamic settlement system?
Baum, Tilman (University of Basel)

Data: 2014
Resum: In the European circumalpine region, remains of wetland settlements that were constructed on lake shores and in peat-bogs have been investigated for more than 150 years. Interdisciplinary research provides detailed evidence on many facets of prehistoric subsistence. This project aims at some fundamental questions related to the land-use and the settlement system, that are today either controversially debated or unclear. To this aim, an agent-based simulation model of an idealized, hypothetical settlement located in the alpine forelands in the 4th Millennium BC is set up: WELASSIMO (Wetland Settlement Simulator). The main problems to tackle are: I) to assess the sustainability of the land-use system, II) to investigate the systemic effects of neolithic subsistence on the environment and III) to identify potential limiting factors for the system. The observer is enabled to investigate the close connection and the relevance of the subsystems for the whole system.
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Llengua: Anglès
Document: Comunicació de congrés
Matèria: Wetland Settlement Simulator ; Computational social science ; Social simulation
Publicat a: Social Simulation Conference. Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallès, 1a : 2014

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