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On exponential growth rates for free groups
Koubi, M.

Date: 1998
Abstract: Let Fp be a free group of rank p ¸ 2. It is well-known that, with respect to a p-element generating set, that is, a basis, the exponential growth rate of Fp is 2p¡1. We show that the exponential growth rate ¿ of a group G with respect to a p-element generating set X is 2p¡1 if and only if G is free on X; otherwise ¿ < 2p¡1. rove that, for any ¯nite generating set X of Fp which is disjoint from X¡1, the exponential growth rate ¿ of Fp with respect to X is 2p ¡ 1 if and only if X is a basis of Fp; otherwise ¿ > 2p¡1. 594.
Rights: Tots els drets reservats.
Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Published in: Publicacions matemàtiques, V. 42 n. 2 (1998) p. 499-507, ISSN 2014-4350

Adreça alternativa:
DOI: 10.5565/PUBLMAT_42298_13

9 p, 117.6 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Articles > Published articles > Publicacions matemàtiques
Articles > Research articles

 Record created 2006-12-19, last modified 2022-02-20

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