Empowering language minorities through technology. Which way to go?
Dooly Owenby, Melinda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Date: 2010
Abstract: The term 'Information Age' has been applied to the current era we now live in, based on the fact that technology and Internet are continuously changing the way people work, learn, spend their leisure time and interact with one another. At the same time, access to this means of interaction is not always equal -whether due to lack of experience, knowledge or economic access. The rate of these changes -and a feeling of uncertain consequences- can create a sense of uncontrollably rapid social changes and possible social fragmentation. In the face of this, education stakeholders must seriously consider how schooling can confront these challenges. This article will first give a brief overview of how the notion of social cohesion has been used in social and educational policies, focusing especially on two central points that emerge: social equality and education as a nexus for social cohesion. Next, the text looks at how education can undertake the challenge of eliminating social inequality and promoting social cohesion, followed by an analysis of one potentially disadvantaged group: speakers of minority languages. Perceptions of minority language groups in the EU are discussed and a general outline of potential educational disadvantages and social exclusion they may face is broached. Next, ways in which Technologically Enhanced Learning (TEL) can be applied in order to rectify these possible risks are advanced. This section includes an interrogation of the 'digital divide' and what it can mean for minority language groups; and the importance of using technologies to bring 'mainstream' public awareness to the issues associated with minority language education (including the promotion of the many benefits of multilingual practices for society). Some examples of TEL practices which have been undertaken to ameliorate educational inquality with minority language groups are provided. Finally, the article considers the role of TEL in teaching practices, teacher education and continued resources for teacher development.
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Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; divulgació ; Versió publicada
Subject: Social cohesion ; Accessibility ; Multilinguism ; Linguistic minorities ; Technology enhanced learning ; Teaching practices
Published in: eLearning papers, Núm. 19 (2010) , p. 1-12, ISSN 1887-1542

12 p, 150.2 KB

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 Record created 2016-02-10, last modified 2024-05-19

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