Cross-Linguistic Experiment on ProsodicPerception : Interrogative and Declarative Sentences in AMPER Madrid Corpus
Ramírez Verdugo, María Dolores (AMPER-Madrid)
Astruc Aguilera, Llüisa (AMPER-Madrid)
Morán, María Berta (AMPER-Madrid)

Fecha: 2008
Resumen: SP-ToBI (Beckman et al. , 2002) has been used to a large extent as a unique and consensual system in many Spanish intonation studies (Kimura 2006, Sahyang, Andruski, Casielles, Nathan & Work 2006, Velázquez 2006, etc. ). However, recent studies point out the existence of further pitch accent tonal sequences and alignments than those proposed in SP-ToBI (Prieto & Torreira 2004, Ramírez Verdugo 2005, Toledo, 2006). In fact, Face & Prieto (2006) claim for the need of revision of Beckman's preliminary system to allow for a wider and more realistic inventory of Spanish pitch accents. In this respect, Face and Prieto survey data on rising accents in Castilian Spanish to propose a three-way contrast rather than the assumed two-way contrast in rising accents. They even challenge the manner in which starredness has been commonly assigned to bitonal accents and propose an analysis based on the secondary association of pitch accent tones. To validate their theory, Face and Prieto (2006) call for experiments which examine speakers' perception degree of strong or weak saliency regarding rising accents. Such experiments could contribute to decide on whether such variation and contrast corresponds to different phonetic realizations or, on the contrary, it may refer to distinct phonological categories. Taking this background into account, this paper aims to bring some light to this dichotomy. The study explores the findings obtained in an experimental study on Spanish versus British speakers' perception of interrogative and declarative sentences in AMPER-Madrid Corpus. These research results reveal interesting cross-linguistic differences and similarities that will be explained under the light of previous studies on prosodic cues and theoretical foundations.
Derechos: Tots els drets reservats.
Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Materia: Prosodic perception ; Interrogatives ; Declaratives ; Spanish versus ; English cross-linguistic study
Publicado en: Language design : journal of theoretical and experimental linguistics, Special Issue (2008) , p. 303-314, ISSN 1139-4218

12 p, 272.0 KB

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