Finances i govern corporatiu [41983]
Garcia-Cestona, Miguel
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat d'Economia i Empresa

Data: 2017-18
Resum: This module wants first to provide a relatively non-technical approach to modern microeconomic theory, and after that, it covers the major topics in corporate finance and corporate governance theory, with an emphasis on recent contributions and research questions. The main message we want to get through is that many situations can best be analyzed by (1) thinking about what's really going on in the "real world", (2) making use of the tools of microeconomics to re-interpret the problem and develop a simple model, and (3) thinking carefully about how to solve the model. For the first part, this will be illustrated in several areas, including information problems, certain aspects of monopoly theory, and oligopoly theory. The student will learn the topics covered in a traditional course such as: consumer theory, firms' decision-making and market structure, general equilibrium as well as information theory. The student will handle mathematical techniques for dealing with these issues. Therefore, by the end of the module the student will have enough bases to rigorously approach all sorts of topics covered in business strategy, corporate governance, finance and the theory of organizations. For the remaining parts, this module covers the major topics in corporate finance, finance and corporate governance theory, with an emphasis on recent contributions and research questions. Having the students basic notions in finance, contract theory and game theory, the course will specially focus on corporate governance problems. The lectures will be on financial contracting under asymmetric information, incomplete contracts, control and corporate governance, and financial intermediation.
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Llengua: Anglès
Titulació: Gestió, organització i economia de l'empresa / Management, Organization and [4311312]
Pla d'estudis: Màster Universitari en Gestió, Organització i Economia de l'Empresa / Management, Organitzation and Business Economics [917]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

5 p, 80.5 KB

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