Come cambiano le professioni tra vecchie regole e nuove strategie
Maestripieri, Lara
Cucca, Roberta

Data: 2012
Resum: The Italian system of professions is characterized by strong disparities between professionals who have been recognised by the state and the so-called non-regulated professions, a residual regulatory scheme, which hasn't got the same right as the liberal professions. As a consequence of this situation, the absence or presence of the public regulation has a direct impact on three factors: education and training, acknowledgement and protection against market's risks. In fact, protected professionals has a standardized procedure of education and training to access the profession, which is regulated by law; acknowledgement register are managed by pairs and their access is possible after you have taken a formal examination and, last but not least, welfare system's access and rights depends on the pension fund of your profession. In this paper, we will address this issue trying to explain what are the divergences in terms of regulation between two professions architects and management consultants, considered as idealtypical examples of protected professionals and non-regulated professionals. Our argumentations will show that the empirical results of our analysis confirms strong cleavages in terms of education and welfare system's access, but not in terms of acknowledgement, that remains in question for both the professional considered because of the increasing fragility of intermediation body as the professional associations. Furthermore, our analysis has demonstrate how this fragility is partially balanced by a growing interested in organizations, which acts as a convergent strategy for both professionals in order to deal with the instability of the market.
Nota: Funded by il Consiglio Italiano per le Scienze Sociali
Drets: Tots els drets reservats.
Llengua: Italià
Document: Capítol de llibre ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Professions ; Architects ; Management consultants ; Regulation ; Organizations
Publicat a: Partite IVA. Il lavoro autonomo nella crisi italiana, 2012, p. 211-234, ISBN 9788815238290

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35 p, 348.4 KB

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