Anàlisi de Sistemes [42632]
Piera Eroles, Miquel Àngel
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria

Data: 2018-19
Resum: It is well accepted that a supply chain (SC) is a complex system due to the difficulty to understand the underlying dynamics and its interdependencies, which can drastically affect its behaviour, and in consequence generates uncertainty to properly coordinate the different operations. A comprehensive systems approach is a requirement for a better understanding of the different emergent dynamics which usually appears in systems characterized by a large amount of components with tight interdependencies. Quantitative models are frequently proposed for forecasting purposes, however, they lack of supporting tools for a better understanding of the system dynamics, which sometimes requires an interdisciplinary approach to consider also the human factor. The main objective of this subject is to introduce a causal approach to develop efficient transparent models enhancing simulation tools with the capability to explore uncertainties, trend breaks, and discontinuities; and extend their potential to foster deliberation; and their relevance to decision makers. For this purpose, students will be trained with the use of Coloured Petri Net formalism to represent the cause-effect relationships that underlies in most SC systems, and the analysis of the state space for a better understanding of the so called emergent dynamics. The set of sub-objectives of this subject are: Introduce a holistic analysis approach, as opposed to reductionist, as a set of diverse interacting agents within an environment. Recognize that the relationships or interactions between elements are more important than the elements themselves in determining the behaviour of the system. Recognize a hierarchy of levels of systems and the consequent ideas of properties emerging at strategic, tactic and operational levels, and mutual causality both within and between levels. Introduce influence variables for a better understanding of human behaviour in a supply chain system.
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Llengua: Anglès
Titulació: Logística i Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament / Logistics and Supply Chain [4313489]
Pla d'estudis: Màster Universitari en Logística i Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament / Logistics and Supply Chain Management [1135]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

5 p, 81.1 KB

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