Tècniques de Recerca [42277]
Rico, Guillem
Ostergaard-Nielsen, Eva
Galais Gonzàlez, Carolina
Miro Artigas, Joan
Maestripieri, Lara
Acebillo Baque, Miriam
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Date: 2018-19
Abstract: Aim of course The aim of this course is for the students to be familiar with and know how to apply a series of the main social science research techniques of collecting and analysing data. In order to meet these objectives we include both quantitative and qualitative techniques. We cannot cover all the research techniques of the social sciences, but centre on those that can be found in the main social science journals. We prioritize issues of practical training and interpretation over very mathematical questions. ACQUIRED SKILLS Specific skills To identify and know how to affront the main methodological difficulties that occur in a political science analysis To work with a complex and diverse set of data and sources of information To design a research project that satisfies criteria of excellence and rigorous analysis. To apply those qualitative and quantitative research techniques which are necessary for a systematic 1 To apply those qualitative and quantitative research techniques which are necessary for a systematic and rigorous analysis of political reality. Transversal skills To be able to evaluate applied or academic research with relevant criteria. To be able to design academic and applied research projects in an independent manner and using the relevant terminology, argumentation and analytical framework. Demonstrate the ability to read and understand specialized texts in English.
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Language: Anglès
Studies: Ciència Política / Political Science [4313335]
Study plan: Màster Universitari en Ciència Política / Political Science [1118]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

6 p, 91.8 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Course materials > Course guides

 Record created 2018-07-27, last modified 2023-07-04

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