Regime-dependent sovereign risk pricing during the Euro Crisis
Delatte, Anne-Laure
Fouquau, Julien
Portes, Richard

Date: 2016
Abstract: Previous work has documented a greater sensitivity of long-term government bond yields to fundamentals in Euro area peripheral countries during the euro crisis, but we know little about the driver(s) of regime switches. Our estimates based on a panel smooth threshold regression model quantify and explain them: 1) investors have penalized a deterioration of fundamentals more strongly from 2010 to 2012; 2) the higher the bank credit risk, measured with the premium on credit derivatives, the higher the extra premium on fundamentals; 3) after ECB President Draghi's speech in July 2012, it took one year to restore the non crisis regime and suppress the extra premium.
Abstract: The ADEMU Working Paper Series is being supported by the European Commission Horizon 2020 European Union funding for Research & Innovation, grant agreement No 649396.
Grants: European Commission 649396
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Language: Anglès
Series: Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. ADEMU working paper series
Series: ADEMU Working Paper Series ; 32
Document: Working paper
Subject: European sovereign crisis ; Panel Smooth Transition Regression Models ; CDS indices

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45 p, 288.3 KB

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Research literature > Working papers

 Record created 2018-10-23, last modified 2022-07-09

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