Dante (c. 1265-1321) e a Estética Musical da Divina Comédia
Franco, Gustavo Cambraia

Additional title: Dante (c. 1265-1321) y la Estética Musical de la Divina Comedia
Additional title: Dante (c. 1265-1321) and the Musical Aesthetics of the Divine Comedy
Date: 2019
Abstract: O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar a estética figurativa-musical elaborada pelo poeta Dante Alighieri na Divina Comédia, a partir dos conceitos musicais, contemporâneos ao autor, de monodia gregoriana e polifonia coral. Pretende-se demonstrar como a teoria musical dantiana é aplicada na Commedia valendo-se de um repertorio imagético e instrumental musical e de um conjunto específico de léxicos e expressões poéticas, que têm por função expressar, de maneira compreensível ao leitor e intérprete, a dissonância, desarmonia e cacofonia sonora e antimusical do Inferno, a natureza do canto coral sacro, monódico e gregoriano do Purgatório, e a natureza musical sinfônica e polifônica do Paraíso.
Abstract: The present article aims to analyze the figurative-musical aesthetics elaborated by the poet Dante Alighieri in the Divine Comedy, through the use of musical concepts, contemporary to the author, of monodia gregoriana and choral polyphony. The aim is to demonstrate how Dantian musical theory is applied in the Commedia using an imagetic and instrumental musical repertoire and a specific set of lexical and poetic expressions, whose function is to express, in a comprehensible way to the reader and interpreter, the sonorous dissonance, disharmony and the antimusical cacophony of Hell, the nature of the sacred, monodic Gregorian chant of Purgatory, and the symphonic and polyphonic musical nature of Paradise.
Rights: Tots els drets reservats.
Language: Portuguès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Dante Alighieri ; Divina comédia ; Música ; Polifonia ; Estética medieval ; Divine comedy ; Music ; Poliphony ; Medieval aesthetics
Published in: Mirabilia, Núm. 28 (jan-jun 2019) , p. 542-564 (Articles) , ISSN 1676-5818

Adreça original: https://raco.cat/index.php/Mirabilia/article/view/359863

23 p, 405.2 KB

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Articles > Published articles > Mirabilia
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 Record created 2019-07-30, last modified 2022-09-03

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