Review : Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) - Pastick, Katelyn A. (Department of Medicine. University of Minnesota) ; Okafor, Elizabeth C. (Department of Medicine. University of Minnesota) ; Wang, Fan (Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. University of Minnesota) ; Lofgren, Sarah M. (Department of Medicine. University of Minnesota) ; Skipper, Caleb P. (Department of Medicine. University of Minnesota) ; Nicol, Melanie R. (Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. University of Minnesota) ; Pullen, Matthew F. (Department of Medicine. University of Minnesota) ; Rajasingham, Radha (Department of Medicine. University of Minnesota) ; McDonald, Emily G. (Clinical Practice Assessment Unit. Department of Medicine. McGill University Health Centre) ; Lee, Todd C. (Clinical Practice Assessment Unit. Department of Medicine. McGill University Health Centre) ; Schwartz, Ilan S. (Division of Infectious Diseases. Department of Medicine. Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. University of Alberta) ; Kelly, Lauren E. (Department of Pediatrics and Child Health. Department of Pharmacology. University of Manitoba) ; Lother, Sylvain A. (Department of Medicine. Sections of Critical Care and Infectious Diseases. University of Manitoba) ; Mitjà, Oriol (Institut Germans Trias i Pujol. Institut de Recerca de la Sida IrsiCaixa) ; Letang, Emili (Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)) ; Abassi, Mahsa (Department of Medicine. University of Minnesota) ; Boulware, David R. (Department of Medicine. University of Minnesota)
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