Unusualmorphology in the mid-Cretaceous lizard Oculudentavis - Bolet, Arnau (Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont) ; Stanley, Edward L. (Florida Museum of Natural History. Department of Natural History) ; Daza, Juan D. (Sam Houston State University. Department of Biological Sciences) ; Salvador Arias, J. (Unidad Ejecutora Lillo) ; Čerňanský, Andrej (University in Bratislava. Department of Ecology) ; Bauer, Aaron M.. (Villanova University. Department of Biology) ; Bevitt, Joseph J. (Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering) ; Peretti, Adolf (Peretti Museum Foundation) ; Evans, Susan E. (University College London. Department of Cell and Developmental Biology)
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