Evolució [100770]
Salazar Ciudad, Isaac
Martínez Alonso, Maria Ramos
Estebaranz i Sanchez, Ferran
Ruíz Herrera Moreno, Aurora
Roquet, Cristina
Pereira Dos Santos, Cristina Maria
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Biociències

Títol variant: Evolution
Títol variant: Evolución
Data: 2021-22
Resum: El concepto de evolución a través de la selección natural de Darwin es una de las ideas mas revolucionarias que han existido. a) Fomentar la visión de la evolución con un marco conceptual que proporcione una visión sintética de la vida. b) Proporcionar un conocimiento solido e integrado de la teoria evolutiva y de sus implicaciones más rellevantes, y de com se ha llegado a este conocimiento que contínua expandiendose mediante creatividad, el metodo científico y la cooperación entre investigadores.
Resum: The concept of evolution by natural selection of Charles Darwin is one of the most revolutionary ideas of Western thought. GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: a) To raise a vital concern for evolution as a conceptual framework of explanation capable of providing a synthetic view of nature, and of exerting a decisive influence on the understanding of oneself, and one's position in the future of our planet. b) To provide a solid and integrated knowledge of the core of modern evolutionary theory and its most relevant implications - anthropological, sociological, philosophical. To appreciate how this knowledge comes about and continues to expand through the creativity, the rigorous scientific method, and the cooperation among researchers, within the cultural and social context of each moment. c) To face the uncertainty associated with change and the multiple perspectives of knowledge and reality. d) Promotion of intellectual autonomy and personal creative independence in the search and acquisition of knowledge. e) To transfer theoretical approaches to concrete situations, demonstrating the applicability of evolutionary theory (e. g. in health sciences, agriculture and conservation), and the positive impact that a citizen with a solid knowledge of this subject can have in society. TRAINING OBJECTIVES: a) Development of syntactic-semantic competences for the transmission of evolutionary ideas with rigor, avoiding teleologism of language. Evolution is a contingent historical process, without purpose or direction. b) Acquisition of a perspective of all the biological disciplines articulated in a coherent conceptual framework of the evolution of life on Earth. c) Knowledge of the history and social relations of evolutionary thought, including the most recent discussions about the need to review the New Synthesis. The theory of biological evolution is usually identified only with the figure of Charles Darwin. d) Knowledge of the main empirical evidence on which modern evolutionary theory is based. Biological evolution is such a solid scientific theory that in practice it can be considered as a fact. e) Knowledge of the main theories about the origin of life, the nature of the last common ancestor and the 2 e) Knowledge of the main theories about the origin of life, the nature of the last common ancestor and the history of its diversification (extinction) in the present forms of life, emphasizing the great evolutionary transitions, in connection with the dynamics of the planet. The purpose of evolutionary biology is to interpret phenomena that cannot be understood without knowing the past. f) Understanding of basic concepts and methodological approaches (based on tacit premises, based on explicit models) for the inference of evolutionary relationships (genealogies, phylogenies) between organisms at different taxonomic levels (populations, species, higher order categories), and its dating (molecular clocks), from characters of diverse nature (genetic sequences, molecular markers, physiological or anatomical properties). g) Understanding of the method of evolutionary analysis. In a broad sense, evolution is descent with modification. Related organisms tend to have similar biological properties. Through the evolutionary approach, it is possible to predict the biology of an organism by comparison with related organisms. h) Understanding the genetic basis of evolution (structural variants vs. regulatory variants) and the connections between evolution and development. i) Understanding of the causes and mechanisms of the evolutionary process in its two dimensions: Anagenesis and cladogenesis, integrating the classical approaches to the study of evolution with modern techniques of genetic analysis (genetic sequences, molecular markers, genetic manipulation) and bioinformatics (analysis comparative of sequences). j) Understanding of human nature and diversity, and the connections and interrelationships of our species in the evolutionary scheme of life on Earth. k) Understanding of evolutionary biology not as a discipline of exclusively formal interest, but as fundamental knowledge with practical implications in multiple areas. The rapid advance of evolutionary biology has triggered the development of powerful technologies for health monitoring, law enforcement, agriculture, ecology, and the treatment of all kinds of design and optimization problems.
Resum: The concept of evolution by Charles Darwin's natural selection is one of the most revolutionary ideas of the western thinking. GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: a) Encourage the vision of evolution as a conceptual framework that provides a synthetic vision of life. b) Provide of a common and integrated knowledge of the modern evolutionary theory theory and its implications, through creative, research and cooperation between researchers. c) Promote intellectual autonomy and creative personal independence in the search and acquisition of knowledge, transmitting a constructive constructive act to evolution, which has led to a permanent increase in the relative affinity to this theory, and in general form as well as in general form. d) To teach theories and theoretical situations in specific situations, to demonstrate the applicability of evolutionary theory. e) Development of synthetic competences for the transmission of evolutionary ideas with rigor, avoiding teleologisms of the language. Evolution is a historical contingent process, with no final direction. f) Promote the understadning of evolutionary processes. h) Understad how evolutionary processes explain evolutionary patterns. i) Understand that the ultimate cause of phenotypic variation is genetic or environmental j) Provide mechanisms for the construction of the phenotype and its relation to the genetic variation of each level of the phenotype. k) Understand the dynamics between the processes that generate variation and those that eliminate in each generation and how both determine the direction of evolution l) Understand natural selection m) Understand the current limitations of evolutionary theory n) Understand the main hypotheses about the origin of the life. o) Understand the most important events in life history. 2 o) Understand the most important events in life history.
Drets: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Llengua: Català, anglès, castellà
Titulació: Biologia [2500250]
Pla d'estudis: Grau en Biologia [812]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

8 p, 116.0 KB

9 p, 120.1 KB

7 p, 115.5 KB

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