40Ar/Ar30 geochronology of Burdigalian paleobotanical localities in the central Paratethys (south Slovakia) - Šarinová, K. (Comenius University. Department of geology and paleontology.) ; Rybár, S. (Comenius University. Department of geology and paleontology. Energy & Geoscience Inst. at University of Utah.) ; Jourdan, F. (Western Australian Argon Isotope Facility and John de Laeter Centre, Curtin University. School of Earth and Planetary, SSTC and TIGeR, Curtin University.) ; Frew, A. (Western Australian Argon Isotope Facility and John de Laeter Centre, Curtin University.) ; Mayers, C. (Western Australian Argon Isotope Facility and John de Laeter Centre, Curtin University) ; Kováčová, M. (Comenius University. Department of geology and paleontology.) ; Lichtman, B. (Comenius University. Department of geology and paleontology.) ; Nováková, P. (Comenius University. Department of geology and paleontology.) ; Kováč, M. (Comenius University. Department of geology and paleontology.)
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