Web of Science: 6 cites, Scopus: 9 cites, Google Scholar: cites,
Prevalence of Salmonella in Free-Range Pigs : Risk Factors and Intestinal Microbiota Composition
Garrido, Victoria (Instituto de Agrobiotecnología. Animal Health Group)
Migura-Garcia, Lourdes (Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries. Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal)
Gaitán, Inés (Instituto de Agrobiotecnología. Animal Health Group)
Arrieta-Gisasola, Ainhoa (Universidad del País Vasco. Departamentode Inmunología, Microbiología y Parasitología)
Martínez-Ballesteros, Ilargi (Universidad del País Vasco. Departamentode Inmunología, Microbiología y Parasitología)
Fraile, Lorenzo (Universitat de Lleida. Departament de Ciència Animal)
Grilló, María Jesús (Instituto de Agrobiotecnología. Animal Health Group)

Data: 2021
Resum: Extensive pig systems are gaining importance as quality production systems and as the standard for sustainable rural development and animal welfare. However, the effects of natural foods on Salmonella epidemiology remain unknown. Herein, we assessed the presence of Salmonella and the composition of the gut microbiota in pigs from both Salmonella -free and high Salmonella prevalence farms. In addition, risk factors associated with the presence of Salmonella were investigated. The pathogen was found in 32. 2% of animals and 83. 3% of farms, showing large differences in prevalence between farms. Most isolates were serovars Typhimurium monophasic (79. 3%) and Bovismorbificans (10. 3%), and exhibited a multi-drug resistance profile (58. 6%). Risk factor analysis identified feed composition, type/variety of vegetation available, and silos' cleaning/disinfection as the main factors associated with Salmonella prevalence. Clear differences in the intestinal microbiota were found between Salmonella -positive and Salmonella -negative populations, showing the former with increasing Proteobacteria and decreasing Bacteroides populations. Butyrate and propionate producers including Clostridium, Turicibacter, Bacteroidaceae_uc, and Lactobacillus were more abundant in the Salmonella -negative group, whereas acetate producers like Sporobacter, Escherichia or Enterobacter were more abundant in the Salmonella -positive group. Overall, our results suggest that the presence of Salmonella in free-range pigs is directly related to the natural vegetation accessible, determining the composition of the intestinal microbiota.
Drets: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Salmonella ; Microbiota ; Free-range pigs ; Risk factors ; Antimicrobial resistance
Publicat a: Foods, Vol. 10 (june 2021) , ISSN 2304-8158

DOI: 10.3390/foods10061410
PMID: 34207083

13 p, 979.8 KB

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