Web of Science: 0 citations, Scopus: 0 citations, Google Scholar: citations,
An improved sea ice detection algorithm using MODIS : Application as a new European sea ice extent indicator
Parera-Portell, Joan A. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Geografia)
Ubach, Raquel (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Geografia)
Gignac, Charles (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique. Centre Eau Terre Environnement)

Date: 2021
Abstract: The continued loss of sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere due to global warming poses a threat to biota and human activities, evidencing the necessity of efficient sea ice monitoring tools. Aiming at the creation of an improved sea ice extent indicator covering the European regional seas, the new IceMap500 algorithm has been developed to classify sea ice and water at a resolution of 500 m at nadir. IceMap500 features a classification strategy built upon previous MODIS sea ice extent algorithms and a new method to reclassify areas affected by resolution-breaking features inherited from the MODIS cloud mask. This approach results in an enlargement of mapped area, a reduction of potential error sources and a better delineation of the sea ice edge, while still systematically achieving accuracies above 90 %, as obtained by manual validation. Swath maps have been aggregated at a monthly scale to obtain sea ice extent with a method that is sensitive to spatio-temporal variations in the sea ice cover and that can be used as an additional error filter. The resulting dataset, covering the months of maximum and minimum sea ice extent (i. e. March and September) over 2 decades (from 2000 to 2019), demonstrates the algorithm's applicability as a monitoring tool and as an indicator, illustrating the sea ice decline at a regional scale. The European sea regions located in the Arctic, NE Atlantic and Barents seas display clear negative trends in both March (-27. 98 ± 6. 01 × 103 km2yr-1) and September (-16. 47 ± 5. 66 × 103 km2yr-1). Such trends indicate that the sea ice cover is shrinking at a rate of ∼ 9 % and ∼ 13 % per decade, respectively, even though the sea ice extent loss is comparatively ∼ 70 % greater in March.
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Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Published in: Cryosphere, Vol. 15, Issue 6 (June 2021) , p. 2803-2818, ISSN 1994-0424

Dades de recerca relacionades amb l'article: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/233396
DOI: 10.5194/tc-15-2803-2021

16 p, 11.1 MB

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Articles > Research articles
Articles > Published articles

 Record created 2022-06-23, last modified 2022-07-02

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