Web of Science: 6 cites, Scopus: 16 cites, Google Scholar: cites,
"Hi This Is NESTORE, Your Personal Assistant" : Design of an Integrated IoT System for a Personalized Coach for Healthy Aging
Palumbo, Filippo (Institute of Information Science and Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy (ISTI-CNR))
Crivello, Antonino (Institute of Information Science and Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy (ISTI-CNR))
Furfari, Francesco (Institute of Information Science and Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy (ISTI-CNR))
Girolami, Michele (Institute of Information Science and Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy (ISTI-CNR))
Mastropietro, Alfonso (Institute of Biomedical Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy (ITB-CNR))
Manferdelli, Giorgio (Institute of Biomedical Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy (ITB-CNR))
Röcke, Christina (University Research Priority Program "Dynamics of Healthy Aging" of the University of Zurich)
Guye, Sabrina (University Research Priority Program "Dynamics of Healthy Aging" of the University of Zurich)
Salvà Casanovas, Antoni (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Fundació Salut i Envelliment)
Caon, Maurizio (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO))
Carrino, Francesco (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland HES-SO)
Abou Khaled, Omar (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland HES-SO)
Mugellini, Elena (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland HES-SO)
Subías-Beltrán, Paula (Eurecat Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya)
Orte, Silvia (Eurecat Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya)
Candea, Ciprian (ROPARDO SRL)
Candea, Gabriela (ROPARDO SRL)
Rizzo, Giovanna (Istituto di Tecnologie Biomediche (ITB). Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)

Data: 2020
Resum: In the context of the fourth revolution in healthcare technologies, leveraging monitoring and personalization across different domains becomes a key factor for providing useful services to maintain and promote well-being. This is even more crucial for older people, with aging being a complex multi-dimensional and multi-factorial process which can lead to frailty. The NESTORE project was recently funded by the EU Commission with the aim of supporting healthy older people to sustain their well-being and capacity to live independently. It is based on a multi-dimensional model of the healthy aging process that covers physical activity, nutrition, cognition, and social activity. NESTORE is based on the paradigm of the human-in-the-loop cyber-physical system that, exploiting the availability of Internet of Things technologies combined with analytics in the cloud, provides a virtual coaching system to support healthy aging. This work describes the design of the NESTORE methodology and its IoT architecture. We first model the end-user under several domains, then we present the NESTORE system that, analyzing relevant key-markers, provides coaching activities and personalized feedback to the user. Finally, we describe the validation strategy to assess the effectiveness of NESTORE as a coaching platform for healthy aging.
Ajuts: European Commission 769643
Drets: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: E-health ; Virtual coach ; IoT ; Sensor network ; Digital health
Publicat a: Frontiers in Digital Health, Vol. 2 (october 2020) , ISSN 2673-253X

DOI: 10.3389/fdgth.2020.545949
PMID: 34713033

0 p, 2.8 MB

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