Comparative genomics reveals the hybrid origin of a macaque group - Zhang, Baolin (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ; Chen, Wu (Guangzhou Zoo and Guangzhou Wildlife Research Center) ; Wang, Zefu (Sichuan University) ; Pang, Wey (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ; Luo, Meng-Ting (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ; Wang, Sheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ; Shao, Yong (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ; He, Wen-Qiang (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ; Deng, Yuan (University of Copenhagen) ; Zhou, Long (Zhejiang University School of Medicine) ; Chen, Jiawei (BGI-Shenzhen) ; Yang, Min-Min (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ; Wu, Yajiang (Guangzhou Zoo and Guangzhou Wildlife Research Center) ; Wang, Lu (Northwest University) ; Fernández-Bellon, Hugo (Zoo de Barcelona) ; Molloy, Sandra (Dublin Zoo) ; Meunier, Hélène (Université de Strasbourg) ; Wanert, Fanélie (Université de Strasbourg) ; Kuderna, Lukas (Illumina Inc) ; Marques-Bonet, Tomas 1975- (Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont) ; Roos, Christian (German Primate Center) ; Qi, Xiao-Guang (Northwest University) ; Li, Ming (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ; Liu, Zhijin (Capital Normal University) ; Schierup, Mikkel Heide (Aarhus University) ; Cooper, David N. (Cardiff University) ; Liu, Jianquan (Sichuan University) ; Zheng, Yong-Tang (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ; Zhang, Guojie (Zhejiang University Medical Cente) ; Wu, Dong-Dong (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
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