Validation of the LUMIPULSE automated immunoassay for the measurement of core AD biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid - Gobom, Johan (Clinical Neurochemistry Laboratory. Sahlgrenska University Hospital) ; Parnetti, Lucilla (Laboratory of Clinical Neurochemistry. Section of Neurology. University of Perugia) ; Rosa-Neto, Pedro (Montreal Neurological Institute) ; Vyhnalek, Martin (International Clinical Research Center. St. Anne's University Hospital) ; Gauthier, Serge (Montreal Neurological Institute) ; Cataldi, Samuela (Laboratory of Clinical Neurochemistry. Section of Neurology. University of Perugia) ; Lerch, Ondrej (International Clinical Research Center. St. Anne's University Hospital) ; Laczo, Jan (International Clinical Research Center. St. Anne's University Hospital) ; Cechova, Katerina (International Clinical Research Center. St. Anne's University Hospital) ; Clarin, Marcus (Clinical Neurochemistry Laboratory. Sahlgrenska University Hospital) ; Benet, Andrea L. (Translational Neuroimaging Laboratory. McGill Centre for Studies in Aging. McGill University) ; Pascoal, Tharick A. (Translational Neuroimaging Laboratory. McGill Centre for Studies in Aging. McGill University) ; Rahmouni, Neserine (Translational Neuroimaging Laboratory. McGill Centre for Studies in Aging. McGill University) ; Vandijck, Manu (Fujirebio Europe N.V.) ; Huyck, Else (Fujirebio Europe N.V.) ; Le Bastard, Nathalie (Fujirebio Europe N.V.) ; Stevenson, Jenna (Translational Neuroimaging Laboratory. McGill Centre for Studies in Aging. McGill University) ; Chamoun, Mira (Translational Neuroimaging Laboratory. McGill Centre for Studies in Aging. McGill University) ; Alcolea, Daniel (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Lleó, Alberto (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Andreasson, Ulf (Clinical Neurochemistry Laboratory. Sahlgrenska University Hospital) ; Verbeek, Marcel M. (Department of Neurology. Radboud Alzheimer Centre. Radboud University Medical Center. Donders Institute for Brain. Cognition and Behaviour) ; Bellomo, Giovanni (Laboratory of Clinical Neurochemistry. Section of Neurology. University of Perugia) ; Rinaldi, Roberta (Laboratory of Clinical Neurochemistry. Section of Neurology. University of Perugia) ; Ashton, Nicholas J. (NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health and Biomedical Research Unit for Dementia at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation) ; Zetterberg, Henrik (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit). UK Dementia Research Institute) ; Sheardova, Katerina (First Department of Neurology. Faculty of Medicine. Masaryk University. St. Anne's University Hospital) ; Hort, Jakub (First Department of Neurology. Faculty of Medicine. Masaryk University. St. Anne's University Hospital) ; Blennow, Kaj (Clinical Neurochemistry Laboratory. Sahlgrenska University Hospital) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
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