Subclinical giant cell arteritis in new onset polymyalgia rheumatica A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data - Hemmig, Andrea K. (University Hospital Basel (Basilea, Suïssa)) ; Gozzoli, Daniele (Department of Internal Medicine. University Hospital Basel) ; Werlen, Laura (Department of Clinical Research. University Hospital Basel. University of Basel) ; Ewald, Hannah (University Medical Library Basel. University of Basel) ; Aschwanden, Markus (Department of Angiology. University Hospital Basel) ; Blockmans, Daniel (Department of General Internal Medicine. Department of Microbiology. Immunology and Transplantation. KU Leuven. University Hospitals Leuven) ; Brouwer, Elisabeth (Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology. University of Groningen. University Medical Center Groningen) ; Buchanan, Russell R.C. (Department of Medicine. Austin Health. Melbourne Medical School. University of Melbourne) ; Camellino, Dario (Division of Rheumatology. "La Colletta" Hospital) ; Campochiaro, Corrado (Unit of Immunology. Rheumatology. Allergy and Rare Diseases (UnIRAR). San Raffaele Scientific Institute) ; Cimmino, Marco Amedeo (University of Genova (Itàlia)) ; Corominas, Hèctor (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Gloy, Viktoria (Department of Clinical Research. University Hospital Basel. University of Basel) ; Henckaerts, Liesbet (Department of General Internal Medicine. Department of Microbiology. Immunology and Transplantation. KU Leuven. University Hospitals Leuven) ; Kyburz, Diego (Department of Biomedicine. University of Basel) ; Moya, Patricia (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Owen, Claire E. (Department of Medicine. Austin Health. Melbourne Medical School. University of Melbourne) ; Stegert, Mihaela (University Hospital Basel (Basilea, Suïssa)) ; Tomelleri, Alessandro (Unit of Immunology. Rheumatology. Allergy and Rare Diseases (UnIRAR). San Raffaele Scientific Institute) ; van Sleen, Yannick (Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology. University of Groningen. University Medical Center Groningen) ; Yamashita, Hiroyuki (Division of Rheumatic Diseases. National Center for Global Health and Medicine) ; Imfeld, Stephan (Department of Angiology. University Hospital Basel) ; Berger, Christoph T. (Departments of Dermatology. Rheumatology and Internal Medicine. University Center for Immunology. University Hospital Basel) ; Hemkens, Lars G. (Meta-Research Innovation Center Berlin (METRIC-B). Berlin Institute of Health) ; Daikeler, Thomas (University Hospital Basel (Basilea, Suïssa))
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