A systematic review of the validated monogenic causes of human male infertility : 2020 update and a discussion of emerging gene-disease relationships - Houston, Brendan J. (School of BioSciences and Bio21 Institute. The University of Melbourne) ; Riera-Escamilla, Antoni (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Wyrwoll, Margot J. (Institute of Reproductive Genetics. University of Münster) ; Salas-Huetos, Albert (Department of Nutrition. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Harvard University) ; Xavier, Miguel J. (Faculty of Medical Sciences. Biosciences Institute. Newcastle University) ; Nagirnaja, Liina (Genetics of Male Infertility Initiative (GEMINI)) ; Friedrich, Corinna (Institute of Reproductive Genetics. University of Münster) ; Conrad, Donald F. (International Male Infertility Genomics Consortium (IMIGC)) ; Aston, Kenneth I. (International Male Infertility Genomics Consortium (IMIGC)) ; Krausz, Csilla (University of Florence) ; Tüttelmann, Frank (International Male Infertility Genomics Consortium (IMIGC)) ; O'bryan, Moira K. (International Male Infertility Genomics Consortium (IMIGC)) ; Veltman, Joris A. (International Male Infertility Genomics Consortium (IMIGC)) ; Oud, Manon S. (Department of Human Genetics. Donders Institute for Brain. Cognition and Behaviour. Radboudumc) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
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