Oleic acid is an endogenous ligand of TLX/NR2E1 that triggers hippocampal neurogenesis - Kandel, Prasanna (Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Bioquímica i Biomedicina Molecular) ; Semerci, Fatih (Universitat de Barcelona. Institut de Biomedicina) ; Mishra, Rachana (Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute. Texas Children's Hospital) ; Choi, Willian (Medical Scientist Training Program. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Bajic, Aleksandar (Department of Molecular and Human Genetics. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Baluya, Dodge (Department of Interventional Radiology. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center) ; Ma, Li Hua (NMR and Drug Metabolism Advanced Technology Cores. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Chen, Kevin (Department of Biosciences. Rice University) ; Cao, Austin C. (Department of Chemistry. Rice University) ; Phongmekhin, Tipwarin (Department of Biosciences. Rice University) ; Matinyan, Nick (Verna and Marrs McLean Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Jimenez-Panizo, Alba (Universitat de Barcelona. Institut de Biomedicina) ; Chamakuri, Srinivas (Department of Pathology and Immunology. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Raji, Idris O. (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Chang, Lyra (Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Fuentes-Prior, Pablo (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; MacKenzie, Kevin R. (Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Benn, Caroline L. (Pfizer) ; Estebanez-Perpiña, Eva (Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Bioquímica i Biomedicina Molecular) ; Venken, Koen (Verna and Marrs McLean Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Moore, David D. (Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Young, Damian W. (Center for Drug Discovery. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Maletic-Savatic, Mirjana (Department of Neuroscience. Baylor College of Medicine)
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