Scalable, accessible, and reproducible reference genome assembly and evaluation in Galaxy - Larivière, Delphine (Pennsylvania State University) ; Abueg, Linelle Ann L. (The Rockefeller University) ; Brajuka, Nadolina (The Rockefeller University) ; Gallardo, Cristobal (Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg) ; Grüning, Björn (Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg) ; Ko, Byung June (Seoul National University) ; Ostrovsky, Alexander (Johns Hopkins University) ; Palmada-Flores, Marc (Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (UPF-CSIC) (Barcelona)) ; Pickett, Brandon (National Institutes of Health. National Human Genome Research Institute (USA)) ; Rabbani, Keon (University of Southern California) ; Balacco, Jennifer (The Rockefeller University) ; Chaisson, Mark (University of Southern California) ; Cheng, Haoyu (Harvard Medical School) ; Collins, Joanna (Wellcome Sanger Institute (Regne Unit)) ; Denisova, Alexandra (Lomonosov Moscow State University) ; Fedrigo, Olivier (The Rockefeller University) ; Gallo, Guido (Università degli Studi di Milano) ; Giani, Alice Maria (Weill Cornell Medical College (USA)) ; Gooder, Grenville MacDonald (The Rockefeller University) ; Jain, Nivesh (The Rockefeller University) ; Johnson, Cassidy (The Rockefeller University) ; Kim, Heebal (Seoul National University) ; Lee, Chul (The Rockefeller University) ; Marques-Bonet, Tomas 1975- (Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont) ; O'Toole, Brian (The Rockefeller University) ; Rhie, Arang (National Institutes of Health. National Human Genome Research Institute (USA)) ; Secomandi, Simona (University of Cyprus) ; Sozzoni, Marcella (Università di Firenze) ; Tilley, Tatiana (The Rockefeller University) ; Uliano da Silva, Marcela (Wellcome Sanger Institute (Regne Unit)) ; van den Beek, Marius (Pennsylvania State University) ; Waterhouse, Robert (University of Lausanne) ; Phillippy, Adam M. (National Institutes of Health. National Human Genome Research Institute (USA)) ; Jarvis, Erich (The Rockefeller University) ; Schatz, Michael (Johns Hopkins University) ; Nekrutenko, Anton (Pennsylvania State University) ; Formenti, Giulio (The Rockefeller University)
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