The Site of As-Sala : 2016 Archaeological Campaign
Riva, Rocío Da
Marín, Juan
Allué, Ethel
Lozano, Marina
Miguel, Eva
Marsal, Roser (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Madrid, Marisol

Data: 2019
Resum: As-Salaʻ is a site in the aṭ-Ṭafīlah area with an astonishingly rich archaeological legacy and an imposing geomorphological heritage. Its extent, the presence of many architectural structures, the surface finds and its general layout bear witness to its enormous archaeological potential. The presence of many water-storage and water-management structures, as well as dwellings and fortifications, make it a unique site for studying the economic use and social relevance of water management on the Edomite plateau. With the information provided by surface.
Resum: surveys and radiocarbon analyses, we can affirm that as-Salaʻ was indeed occupied during the Iron Age, Nabatean and Roman periods, and Mediaeval, Mamluk and Ottoman periods (12th-17th centuries AD). The topographic study and.
Resum: preliminary survey demonstrate the enormous potential of as-Salaʻ for contributing to our understanding of the past on the Edomite plateau and for helping us to solve questions regarding settlement patterns, water-control systems and.
Resum: economic activity.
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Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Publicat a: Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (ADAJ), Vol. 60 (2019) , p. 657-664

8 p, 4.5 MB

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