Afropolitanism as an extension of colonial and postcolonial discourse in Teju Cole's open city
Jones, Amanda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Publicación: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018
Resumen: The suggestion that Afropolitan literature exists in duality-as a response to and an extension of postcolonialism-does not negate the efficacy of Afropolitanism to challenge definitions of African literature or identity. However, an intricate part of understanding Afropolitan literature remains in its relation to postcolonialism, particularly the ways Afropolitan writers, attempting to create something new, echo the desires and tendencies of writers from previous generations. Through the Afropolitan political agenda (as illustrated in its rejection of concepts of victimhood) and its desire to respond to postcolonialism, Afropolitan writers follow a pattern modeled in postcolonialism: a reinvention based not on new ideas, but on those of previous discourses. Just as postcolonialism was "lumbered by the discourse of the colonized" (Hodge and Mishra 1991, 281). Afropolitan discourses and literature remain fixed to and located within postcolonialism.
Resumen: Arguably, this fixture is non-negotiable: despite cultural and geographical differences between Afropolitan authors and predecessors, ties to the African continent and its postcolonial past remain. Yet considering Afropolitanism the next logic step in African identity politics locates Afropolitanism (as a political movement, genre, and cultural concept) both within and outside postcolonialism. Recognition of the ways Afropolitan writers respond to and navigate postcolonialism within literature illustrates how Afropolitan authors have indeed forged new identities: albeit, of course, with postcolonial ties.
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Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Capítol de llibre
Publicado en: Persistence and Resistance in English Studies. New Research, 2018, p. 46-55, ISBN 978-1-5275-0608-4

10 p, 114.4 KB

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