Singles' safety net in the United States
Ophir, Ariane (Centre d'Estudis Demographics)
King, Michael D. (US Census Bureau)
Centre d'Estudis Demographics

Data: 2024
Descripció: 29 pag.
Resum: The share of single people in the United States (i. e. , those not living with a married or unmarried partner) is steadily increasing. Single adults earn less on average than partnered adults and are often more financially vulnerable, in part due to limited access to economies of scale or other economic benefits of partnership. Despite calls for more research about singlehood, one question has been neglected: how does the American social safety net support single people? Using data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), we answer three research questions: 1) how are social safety benefits distributed among singles? 2) what predicts singles' usage of safety net benefits? and 3) how do singles package their safety net benefits? We pay particular attention to labor force participation, gender, age, race-ethnicity, and education as the primary socioeconomic and demographic stratifying mechanisms of program participation. The results document the landscape of the American safety net that is available to single adults as well as whether and how it is socially stratified.
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Llengua: Anglès
Document: Working paper

30 p, 478.1 KB

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