De l'acoustique au conventionnel : une vue configurative et multiparamétrique de l'accent en français et en tchèque
Dubêda, Tomás (Univerzita Karlova (Praga, República Txeca))

Fecha: 2003
Resumen: The paper gives an account of stress phenomena in two languages with fixed stress (French -final primary stress-, Czech -initial stress-). The prosodic analysis of a bilingual corpus (read speech) leads to a conclusion that the three parameters (duration, F0 and intensity) show intriguingly similar behaviour in the two languages, despite the expected rhythmic differences. Acoustic correlates of stress being either ambiguous or instable in French and Czech, we propose a new, multiparametric and configurative vision of stress (and prosodic segmentation in general), based on global prosodic patterns throughout the stress unit. Among these, we detected isochrony (more pronounced in Czech), final lengthening (more pronounced in French), group-initial low tones and group-final high tones (except for final stress units), as well as a falling or rising-falling intensity pattern.
Derechos: Tots els drets reservats.
Lengua: Francès
Documento: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Materia: Stress ; French ; Czech ; Prosody ; Duration ; Fundamental frequency ; Intensity ; Stress group
Publicado en: Language design : journal of theoretical and experimental linguistics, V. 5 (2003) p. 1-10, ISSN 1139-4218

10 p, 201.5 KB

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