Programa de intervención psicológica con árbitros de fútbol
Ramírez, Amaia (Universidad del País Vasco. Facultad de Psicología)
Alonso-Arbiol, Itziar (Universidad del País Vasco. Facultad de Psicología)
Falcó, Francesc (Escuela Nacional de Árbitros de Fútbol (València, País Valencià))
López Fernández, Manuel (Escuela Nacional de Árbitros de Fútbol (València, País Valencià))

Títol variant: A programme to promote psychological skills in football referees
Data: 2006
Resum: In this paper, we describe the Intervention Programme on Psycohological Abilities in Refereeing (PIHPA) with the participation of soccer referees from the third division Valencia and Basque Association of Referees. The programme consisted of 8 group sessions, complemented by other individual initiatives, where the following skills were developed: motivation, emotional control, self-confidence, concentration, and communication. The aims were as follows: to familiarize the referees with basic psychological skills, to help them learn how to use them, apply them in their work, and improve on them. In their evaluation of the programme, the referees that took part showed a high degree of overall satisfaction, perceiving the course content to be useful in the long run and acknowledging the need to continue with this type of training in the future. In the paper, a discussion is made of the most relevant contributions and the difficulties that were encountered.
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Llengua: Castellà
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Referees and sport officials ; Soccer ; Psychological skills
Publicat a: Revista de psicología del deporte, Vol. 15, Núm. 2 (2006) , p. 311-325, ISSN 1988-5636

16 p, 586.3 KB

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