Syntagmes à l'Ablatif aprépositionnel : une enquête dans Pline le Jeune, Lettres, IV
Lavency, Marius (Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve)

Date: 2001
Abstract: As shown in a previous article, syntagms based on nouns at nonprepositional Ablative can be accurately accounted for by refering to a series of parameters : syntagmatic complexity, incidence point and paradigmatic status of the gouverned term, lexical type and liberty or constraints in occurrence of the constituents. The aim of the present article is first to apply these data to Pliny, Letters, IV, and test on this corpus their efficiency and then to point out possible applications and necessary adaptations at a pedagogic level.
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Language: Francès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Linguistics ; Pedagogy ; Latin ; Pliny ; Commutation ; Prototypical use ; Nominal/adverbial ; Complement(ation)modality ; Double analysis
Published in: Faventia, V. 23 N. 2 (2001) , p. 73-85, ISSN 2014-850X

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13 p, 58.1 KB

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