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First person shot : new Forms of Subjectivity between Cinema and Intermedia Networks
Eugeni, Ruggero (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart)

Additional title: El pla en primera persona : noves formes de subjectivitat entre el cinema i les xarxes intermèdia
Date: 2012
Abstract: L'article analitza el pla en primera persona, una figura estilística que resulta una transformació radical del punt de vista clàssic en el paisatge mediàtic contemporani. El pla en primera persona és una figura intermèdia, que sorgeix de les interaccions recíproques de les innovacions tecnològiques desenvolupades en diferents plataformes: la steadycam i els seus derivats, les càmeres digitals i les seves versions en miniatura, els equips de vigilància o els videojocs. D'altra banda, és una figura experimental, atès que expressa directament la comprensió dinàmica del món, promulgada per un agent híbrid (un cos-sensor), i, en conseqüència, és una figura que expressa la vívida i canviant experiència perceptual i emocional.
Abstract: The article analyzes the first person shot, a stylistic figure resulting from a radical transformation of the classical point of view or subjective shot within the contemporary media landscape. The first part of the article focuses on two main features of the first person shot. On the one hand, it is an intermedia figure, arising from the reciprocal interactions of technological innovations which unfolded on different media platforms: the steadycam and its derivatives, digital cameras and their miniaturized versions, surveillance equipments, videogames playable from a first-person perspective. On the other hand, it is an experiential figure, as it directly expresses the dynamic grasp of the world, enacted by a hybrid agent (a body - sensor), and consequently its perceptual, practical, emotional, living and ongoing experience. The second part of the article considers the first person shot as a figure expressing in sensorial terms a well defined idea of subject and subjectivity. This idea contrasts with the main conceptions adopted by film and media scholars: the article analyzes the debate between J. L. Baudry and V. Sobchack and argues that both scholars -despite their different philosophical premises- consider the subject as an entity defined by its position in a specific location. Rather, in the case of the first person shot the subject is continuously redefined through a constant shifting; hence the subject should be conceived as dis-posed and dis-located. Finally, the article argues that this conception of subject and subjectivity links film and media studies to current mind theories inspired by cognitive phenomenology, which elaborated a conception of subject as a dynamic agent involved in an ongoing narrative negotiation of selfhood through continuous flows of transformations.
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Language: Català
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Cos ; Experiència ; Film studies ; Intermedialitat ; Media studies ; Body ; Experience ; Intermediality ; Media studies subject
Published in: Anàlisi : quaderns de comunicació i cultura, Núm. monogràfic (febrer 2012) , p. 19-31, ISSN 2340-5236

Adreça alternativa:
Adreça original:
DOI: 10.7238/a.v0iM.1499

13 p, 523.7 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Articles > Published articles > Anàlisi
Articles > Research articles

 Record created 2012-04-27, last modified 2024-06-01

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