Web of Science: 7 cites, Scopus: 7 cites, Google Scholar: cites
Trace element analyses indicative of paleodiets in Middle Miocene mammals from the Somosaguas site (Madrid, Spain)
Doming, L. (University of California. Earth and Planetary Sciences Department)
López-Martínez, N. (Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Paleontología)
Grimes, S. T. (University of Plymouth. School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences)
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Espanya). Instituto de Geología Económica
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Espanya)
Unidad de Investigación de Paleontología

Data: 2012
Resum: Trace element analysis of fossil bone and enamel constitutes a useful tool to characterize the paleoecological behavior of mammals. Up to now, most trace element studies have focused on Plio-Pleistocene fossils. Here, we show that paleodietary inferences based on trace element analyses can be also obtained from ~14Ma old Miocene mammals, in a period of time when important paleoclimatic changes took place due to the development of the East Antarctic ice sheet. Trace element ratio (Ba/Ca, Sr/Ca) analyses have been performed on herbivore tooth enamel (gomphothere Gomphotherium angustidens, equid Anchitherium cf. A. cursor, suid Conohyus simorrensis and ruminants) across three stratigraphic levels from the Somosaguas site (Middle Miocene, Madrid Basin, Spain). Previous scanning electron microscope, rare earth element and stable isotope analyses suggested minimal diagenetic alteration of the tooth enamel samples. Trace element analyses reported here show different paleoecological behavior among the studied fossil taxa. Anchitherium cf. A. cursor shows higher Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios than Gomphotherium angustidens, indicating the equid was a mixed-feeder, while the gomphothere was a browser. The enrichment in Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in the ruminants is attributed to differences in their gastrointestinal tracts and to a more grazing diet. A high variability in trace element values characterizes the suid Conohyus simorrensis, which is believed to be connected to some degree of omnivory.
Drets: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan aquestes es distribueixin sota la mateixa llicència que regula l'obra original i es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Geochemistry ; Tooth enamel ; Diagenesis ; Paleoecology ; Herbivores
Publicat a: Geologica acta, Vol. 10, Núm. 3 (Setembre 2012) , p. 239-247, ISSN 1696-5728

Adreça alternativa: https://raco.cat/index.php/GeologicaActa/article/view/263582
Adreça alternativa: https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/GEOACTA/article/view/105.000001746
DOI: 10.1344/105.000001746

13 p, 4.0 MB

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