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19 p, 146.2 KB Después de Kyoto, Beijing : la UE ante las nuevas negociaciones del clima / Costa, Oriol (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.)
El artículo evalúa cómo la transición de poder en curso en el sistema internacional ha modificado las negociaciones internacionales del clima, así como la forma en que la UE ha respondido al proceso. [...]
The article evaluates how the transition of power underway in the international system has changed international climate negotiations, as well as the way the EU has responded to this process. More specifically, and, in line with the introductory article of this edition, it is argued that, until 2005-2007, negotiations took place within a structure of normative congruence, characterised by climate institutions being set up in spite of the reluctance of a very powerful coalition of states. [...]

Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, 2014, p. 23-41  

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