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42 p, 2.1 MB Socio-ecological distribution conflicts in the mining sector in Guatemala (2005-2013) : deep rooted injustice and weak environmental governance / Aguilar González, Bernardo (Fundación Neotrópica (San José, Costa Rica)) ; Navas Obando, Grettel (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals) ; Brun, Carole (Fundación Neotrópica (San José, Costa Rica)) ; Aguilar-Umaña, Andrea (Fundación Neotrópica (San José, Costa Rica)) ; Cerdán, Paloma (Fundación Neotrópica (San José, Costa Rica))
This study characterizes ecological distribution conflicts (EDC) related to the mining industry and derives a series of political implications for Guatemala. The characterization includes a placement in the context of Central America, regional location, intensity of the EDC and the trends in social and environmental consequences, with special emphasis on the groups of social actors affected and the degree to which the institutional framework does not provide effective means of participatory environmental governance. [...]
2018 - 10.1016/j.exis.2018.02.002
The extractive industries and society, Vol. 5, issue 3 (July 2018) , p. 240-254  

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