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Libros y colecciones, Encontrados 1 registros
Libros y colecciones Encontrados 1 registros  
11 p, 645.3 KB A VR game to improve communication skills in secondary-school teachers / Bocos Corredor, Mario (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) ; Diaz-Nieto, Alejandro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) ; Lopez-Garcia, Álvaro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) ; Romero-Hernandez, Alejandro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) ; Álvarez Valdivia, Ibis Marlene (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Manero, Borja (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
According to the reports of training practices from future secondary-school teachers, there are significant shortcomings in the communication skills required to properly manage a class. Despite the existence of modules related to communication in the educational masters of teaching staff, there is no real learning in this area, and students (the future teachers) express their fear when it comes to dealing with a class. [...]
IATED, 2020 - 10.21125/edulearn.2020.2148  

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