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Articles, 1 registres trobats
Articles 1 registres trobats  
19 p, 180.0 KB Limit cycles in the Holling-Tanner model / Gasull, Armengol (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Matemàtiques) ; Torregrosa, Joan (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Matemàtiques) ; Kooij, Robert E. (University of Technology Delft. Fac. of Tech. Mathematics & Informatics)
This paper deals with the following question: does the asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium of the Holling-Tanner model imply it is also globally stable? We will show that the answer to this question is negative. [...]
1997 - 10.5565/PUBLMAT_41197_09
Publicacions matemàtiques, V. 41 n. 1 (1997) p. 149-167  

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