Publicacions matemàtiques
Publicacions Matemàtiques (ISSN: 0214-1493 papel, 2014-4350 electrónico) es una revista que publica artículos de calidad de investigación de todos los campos de las matemáticas y, de tanto en cuanto, también actos de congresos. Esta revista comenzó en el año 1976 bajo el título de Publicacions de la Secció de Matemàtiques (ISSN: 0210-2978 papel, 2014-4369 electrónico). En el año 1988 se introdujo un nuevo formato y comité editorial que dieron lugar a la segunda etapa de esta revista.


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Últimas adquisiciones:
62 p, 705.5 KB New local T 1 theorems on non-homogeneous spaces / Villarroya, Paco (Santa Clara University (Santa Clara, Estats Units d'Amèrica). Department of Applied Mathematics)
We develop new local T1 theorems to characterize Calder'on-Zygmund operators that extend boundedly or compactly on Lp(Rn, µ), with µ a measure of power growth. The results, whose proofs do not require random grids, have weaker hypotheses than previously known local T1 theorems since they only require a countable collection of testing functions. [...]
Publicacions matemàtiques, Vol. 68 Núm. 2 (2024) , p. 445-506 (Articles)  
21 p, 421.9 KB Uniformly ergodic probability measures / Galindo Pastor, Jorge (Universitat Jaume I. Departament de Matemàtiques) ; Jordá, Enrique (Universitat Politècnica de València) ; Rodríguez-Arenas, Alberto (Universitat Jaume I. Departament de Matemàtiques)
Let G be a locally compact group and µ be a probability measure on G. We consider the convolution operator λ1(µ): L1(G) → L1(G) given by λ1(µ)f = µ∗f and its restriction λ 0 1 (µ) to the augmentation ideal L0 1 (G). [...]
Publicacions matemàtiques, Vol. 68 Núm. 2 (2024) , p. 593-613 (Articles)  
38 p, 531.2 KB Regularity results for a class of nonlocal double phase equations with VMO coefficients / Byun, Sun-Sig (Seoul National University. Department of Mathematical Sciences) ; Kim, Kyeongbae (Seoul National University. Department of Mathematical Sciences) ; Kumar, Deepak (Seoul National University. Research Institute of Mathematics)
We study a class of nonlocal double phase problems with discontinuous coefficients. A local self-improving property and a higher H¨older continuity result for weak solutions to such problems are obtained under the assumptions that the associated coefficient functions are of VMO (vanishing mean oscillation) type and that the principal coefficient depends not only on the variables but also on the solution itself.
Publicacions matemàtiques, Vol. 68 Núm. 2 (2024) , p. 507-544 (Articles)  
13 p, 374.5 KB Jordan property for homeomorphism groups and almost fixed point property / Mundet i Riera, Ignasi (Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Matemàtiques i Informàtica)
We study properties of continuous finite group actions on topological manifolds that hold true, for any finite group action, after possibly passing to a subgroup of index bounded above by a constant depending only on the manifold. [...]
Publicacions matemàtiques, Vol. 68 Núm. 2 (2024) , p. 545-557 (Articles)  
33 p, 532.6 KB A combinatorial characterisation of d-Koszul and ( D, A ) -stacked monomial algebras that satisfy ( Fg ) / Jawad, Ruaa (Middle Technical University (Bagdad, Iraq)) ; Snashall, Nicole (University of Leicester (Leicester, Regne Unit). School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences) ; Taillefer, Rachel (Université Clermont Auvergne)
Condition (Fg) was introduced in [6] to ensure that the theory of support varieties of a finite-dimensional algebra, established by Snashall and Solberg, has some similar properties to that of a group algebra. [...]
Publicacions matemàtiques, Vol. 68 Núm. 2 (2024) , p. 559-591 (Articles)  
48 p, 689.3 KB Cyclic coverings of rational normal surfaces which are quotients of a product of curves / Artal Bartolo, Enrique (Universidad de Zaragoza. Departamento de Matemáticas) ; Cogolludo Agustín, José Ignacio (Universidad de Zaragoza. Departamento de Matemáticas) ; Martín Morales, Jorge (Universidad de Zaragoza. Departamento de Matemáticas)
This paper deals with cyclic covers of a large family of rational normal surfaces that can also be described as quotients of a product, where the factors are cyclic covers of algebraic curves. We use a generalization of the Esnault-Viehweg method to show that the action of the monodromy on the first Betti group of the covering (and its Hodge structure) splits as a direct sum of the same data for some specific cyclic covers over P 1. [...]
Publicacions matemàtiques, Vol. 68 Núm. 2 (2024) , p. 359-406 (Articles)  
28 p, 490.2 KB Complexity of Puiseux solutions of differential and q -difference equations of order and degree one / Cano Torres, José María (Universidad de Valladolid) ; Fortuny Ayuso, Pedro (Universidad de Oviedo) ; Ribón, Javier (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
We relate the complexity of both differential and q-difference equations of order one and degree one and their solutions. Our point of view is to show that if the solutions are complicated, the initial equation is complicated too. [...]
Publicacions matemàtiques, Vol. 68 Núm. 2 (2024) , p. 331-358 (Articles)  
8 p, 304.5 KB On the duals of smooth projective complex hypersurfaces / Dimca, Alexandru (Université Côte d'Azur) ; Ilardi, Giovanna (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. Dipartimento Matematica Ed Applicazioni "R. Caccioppoli")
We first show that a generic hypersurface V of degree d ≥ 3 in the projective complex space P n of dimension n ≥ 3 has at least one hyperplane section V ∩H containing exactly n ordinary double points, alias A1 singularities, in general position, and no other singularities. [...]
Publicacions matemàtiques, Vol. 68 Núm. 2 (2024) , p. 431-438 (Articles)  
5 p, 254.5 KB On groups of finite Prüfer rank / Wehrfritz, B. A. F. (Queen Mary University of London. School of Mathematical Sciences)
Let G be a group of finite rank and π any finite set of primes. We prove that G contains a characteristic subgroup H of finite index such that every finite π-image of H is nilpotent. Our conclusions are stronger if G is also soluble.
Publicacions matemàtiques, Vol. 68 Núm. 2 (2024) , p. 439-443 (Articles)  
23 p, 397.3 KB Summability and duality / Ghara, Soumitra (Université Laval (Quebec, Canadà). Département de mathématiques et de statistique) ; Mashreghi, Javad (Université Laval (Quebec, Canadà). Département de mathématiques et de statistique) ; Ransford, Thomas (Université Laval (Quebec, Canadà). Département de mathématiques et de statistique)
We formalize the observation that the same summability methods converge in a Banach space X and its dual X∗. At the same time we determine conditions under which these methods converge in weak and weak* topologies on X and X∗ respectively. [...]
Publicacions matemàtiques, Vol. 68 Núm. 2 (2024) , p. 407-429 (Articles)