Improved entropy based test of uniformity using ranked set samples
Mahdizadeh, Mahdi
Arghami, Nasser Reza (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Department of Statistics, School of Mathematical Sciences)

Data: 2013
Resum: Ranked set sampling (RSS) is known to be superior to the traditional simple random sampling (SRS) in the sense that it often leads to more efficient inference procedures. Basic version of RSS has been extensively modified to come up with schemes resulting in more accurate estimators of the population attributes. Multistage ranked set sampling (MSRSS) is such a variation surpassing RSS. Entropy has been instrumental in constructing criteria for fitting of parametric models to the data. The goal of this article is to develop tests of uniformity based on sample entropy under RSS and MSRSS designs. A Monte Carlo simulation study is carried out to compare the power of the proposed tests under several alternative distributions with the ordinary test based on SRS. The results report that the new entropy tests have higher power than the original one for nearly all sample sizes and under alternatives considered.
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Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Information theory ; Ranked set sampling ; Test of fit
Publicat a: SORT : statistics and operations research transactions, Vol. 37, Núm. 1 (January-June 2013) , p. 3-18, ISSN 2013-8830

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16 p, 204.7 KB

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