Feminist Studies / Activities in Japan : present and future
Takemura, Kazuko (Ochanomizu Joshi Daigaku)

Data: 2010
Resum: The essay provides an overview of feminist studies in Japan nowadays, exploring in particular how new perspectives on sexuality and postcolonial theory have been gradually incorporated into feminist studies since the 1990s. In relation to sexuality, approaches to gender-sexuality have been enriched by the incorporation of new theories from areas such as literary criticism, art or history, among others. This has allowed for new critical examinations of heterosexism and of questions about gender and sexuality, and has eventually derived in the institutionalization of feminist studies with a poststructuralist influence in the Japanese academia. The article also analyzes the incorporation of postcolonial studies into feminist studies, as well as the impact that the question of prostitution during the war has had on them.
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Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Feminist studies ; Japan ; Sexuality ; Gender ; Postcolonialism ; War and prostitution ; Postfeminism
Publicat a: Lectora (Barcelona), Núm. 16 ( 2010) , p. 13-33, ISSN 2013-9470

Adreça alternativa: https://raco.cat/index.php/Lectora/article/view/218986

21 p, 397.6 KB

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